Saturday, August 16, 2008

Goodbye Mullet...

...Hello short, trendy bob! Ok, so it's not exactly a "Posh Spice bob" but I don't have that much to work with.  Ella's hair is so thin and fine that I was just letting it grow out as long as possible to be able to do anything with it.  It just got to a point though that the only way to get rid of the mullet was to chop it all off and start fresh.  Now, hopefully, it will all grow in the same length and start to look a bit more full...we'll see.

Here's the before shot:

During: (thank heavens for the little DVD player and her beloved Elmo movie)


Ryan thinks I cut it too short and now she has a boy haircut.  Looks like we're back to the days of not leaving the house without a hair accessory!


Mark and Meghan said...

angela, it's adorable! seriously she looks so cute and NOT like a little boy! i think you did a grea job!

Eliza said...

I think you did a great job and that it looks fab...

Jenn and Tyler said...

Oh my gosh she looks adorable! You did a great job!

Steve and Amanda said...

I LOVE the cut. Good talking to you today...I wish you lived just a tad closer!!! Missing Bella and Edward...I almost said Ella!!!

Stephens Family said...

I love it! She is growing up, great job by the way! I wish you were here so that we could talk or not talk.

Steve and Stacy Harbie said...

I love it!!! You did a fantastic job! It kinda surprises me she has such fine hair, is she really your daughter?

Spendloves said...

Viva la mullet! That's funny you think Ella's hair looked like a mullet before because I always think the same thing about Shelby's hair. You're so brave to cut it own your own! She is the cutest girl around!!

Tristen said...

Nice job on the haircut! It's so hard to get those little kids to hold still for a haircut! I usually give up and give the boys a buzz. I think she looks great, it's not too short, Ryan is crazy. He's a boy, what does he know?

The Tufts said...

Love it! She seems to like it too, and that is the important thing.

So what did you think about Breaking Dawn?! I'm just sad it's over...for now. One fo my neighbors has a shirt that says "My heart belongs to my husband but Edward can have my neck" Just wanted to pass that along to you and hope you are getting settled in OK.

Stephens Family said...

OK so when are you coming to California? Of course I want to see you! You better call me!

aquabatgirl said...

trust me i know how the thin and no hair thing goes. kylie still has issues, as do i. her cut looks cute :)

Chase and Teresa said...

Finally getting caught up. I love Ella's new little bob. Fun trip to Dallas-love when the boss pays. I'm pretty sure we were at Seven Peaks the same time you were there-too bad we didn't see each other.

Jessica Drage said...

I'm a little hurt that you came to Utah and didn't call me. Get your little (seriously your too thin) butt back to Utah so we can do something. I want to see your little princess in person! -Jessica

Pratt Family said...

Way impressive!!! Good job Angela with the darling hair cut. Ella looks like a big girl now!!! Sorry it's been a long while, I sure enjoyed seeing all your fun summer activities.

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