I've never really been one of those moms whose thought their child was advanced in every way but I'm here to say that Ella is quite advanced in one specific way. She's only 22 months and yet she has practically perfected the art of the tantrum. I actually don't know if this is "advanced" or not, but I just figured that these tantrums wouldn't show their ugly face until she was two...thus, the "terrible twos". Nonetheless the tantrums are here. It's actually kinda funny to witness (when I'm in the right mood.) Anything can set it off from putting a lid on her sippy cup to not letting her take her mac 'n cheese in my room. Before you know it, full blown tantrum. It starts with the most pathetic face she can muster up, sometimes she'll like run into a wall or something to really let me know that she's upset, but then it usually ends up with her face down on the floor with arms and legs all about. Kinda like this:
I'm really hoping that this is just a stage and that we're not going to have a 16 year old doing the same thing when we have to tell her that she can't take the car out tonight or something just as tragic. She really is a sweet little thing that I love beyond words could explain, but MAN, sometimes she really knows how to push my buttons. I think she gets that from her dad.
It really is an art isn't it? Each kid has their own spin to it. Cade used to throw himself on the floor, but he always made sure it was soft before he did. If we were standing on concrete, he would run to the grass for his tantrum. Can't risk getting hurt to go crazy with rage, right!
I'm dying. I died. She's hilarious!! LOVE her! Go Ella!!
that is hillarious...she runs into walls? i'm scared of claire hitting that stage...and yes hopefully it's just a stage!!!
Ummm, her dad? I must say though that you were the sweetest little girl ever. Linds on the other hand, well, she kind of scared me sometimes :) I love you all to pieces!!!!!!
i love hearing about kids tantrums. i myself was a great tantrum thrower in fact i would even not eat for a day or two if i was mad enough. i just hope none of my kids take after me and so far i've been lucky
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