Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Originally our plans for Thanksgiving were to drive (through the night--the only way to drive with a child!) out to Phoenix to be with my sister and her family. Plus my dad and brother and his wife were going to drive out from San Diego so we could all spend the holiday together.  Well, we had a last minute change of plans because my sweet Grandpa Snead passed away the weekend before Thanksgiving. Lindsay and her family were already in San Diego so they just decided they were going to stay there to be able to be at my Grandpa's funeral.  Even though I thought it was a long shot, I got online to check to see how much it would cost to fly out to San Diego.  I was totally expecting to only see tickets available for like $800 but to my surprise we were able to get round trip tickets for a little more than $200! Can you believe it?! I mean, this was Monday night that I was looking for a ticket to fly out Tuesday morning! AND it was Thanksgiving week--the time when plane tickets are usually the most expensive! Anyway, I was so grateful that we were able to be home for Thanksgiving and to be with family. I was especially grateful that we got to attend my grandpa's funeral. It was such a special day to be with family and remember the great man that my grandpa was. All of us felt very blessed to have him at the head of our family.

One of the mornings my sister and I went down to San Diego to spend some time with my mom so Ryan and Mike took the kids to the beach. (BTW you can always tell when Ryan is in charge of Ella--nothing in her hair!)

Ella and Kaitlyn

My Grandpa served in the Navy...

Some of my cousins

Here's what Ella and Carson did during the funeral--ran around the cemetery.

L-train, this one is for you. Let us know if Oakley needs any models...


Steve and Amanda said...

Sorry to hear about Grandpa Snead. That is great that you got to go to SD though. I am jealous. My parents came out her for Thanksgiving, it was Great!!!

Anonymous said...

is this where I submit my request for ALL of the pics asap?? XOXO

Stephens Family said...

I love it, I love it, I love it! Great picture of the two of you, I'll pass the word on. I am sorry about your grandpa but glad that you were able to spend Thanksgiving in California!

Tristen said...

I'm sorry to hear about your grandpa. It's always hard to lose a loved one. I am so glad that you guys were able to get home for Thanksgiving. I love the picture of Ryan with Ella - Adam can't even get our baby girl dressed, let alone match a bow to her outfit. It's hilarious.

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