Wednesday, November 28, 2007

The rest of the story...

It seems like a while since I've done a post. We were up in Utah last week for Thanksgiving (you know there'll be pictures from that later!) Anyway, here are the rest of the pictures...

While taking pictures next to the ducks, my vicious aunts and sister thought it would be funny to throw a bunch of bread by us so the ducks would attack. Ella and I did NOT think it was funny.

After the duck incident, we went to my cousin Chase's football game. As usual for our family, we did our best to cheer as loud as possible and embarrass him as much as possible.

My grandpa, Mom, and Lindsay

Ella and my mom. It got REALLY cold when the sun went down.

All of us (minus Jill and Todd) after the game.

Aunt Jill, Uncle Todd and Chase.


Anonymous said...

Classic of Carson! I don't love the pics of me though... :) What's new!?

aquabatgirl said...

come on angela, it's like the ducks were going to eat you and just be happy they weren't geese

Pratt Family said...

What a great pic Angela!!! You look SOOOOOO terrified!!! They're only ducks!!!

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