Thursday, May 22, 2008


Well, well, well. Looks like another year has come and gone once again. Today Ryan and I celebrate our forth wedding anniversary. Now I know 4 years isn't much when you compare it with eternity but I feel as if it is one of the best (if not THE best) accomplishments I've done in my life. So in the spirit of this great day, I'm gonna list my 4 favorite things about my husband:

1.) TRUST. From the day I met Ryan until the present, he has never ever given me any reason not to give him 100% of my trust in him. I love this quality about him. I love that I can trust that every decision he makes is going to be the best for our family.

2.) FAMILY. Ryan comes from a great family. As his brother put it back when we were dating, his family is the "trump card" that will ultimately make me see how wonderful Ryan is. His parents, Dave and Lynda, did an amazing job in raising 5 great kids but I have to admit...Ryan is my favorite! The Harbertson family includes some of my very favorite people in the world and I feel so lucky to be a part the family. On the same note, I love how much Ryan loves my family and they love him right back. Living closer to my family this past year has given us a lot of time to be with them and Ryan is so good to keep up with all of the craziness that my family has to offer.

3.) LAUGHTER. I think one of the things I loved the most about Ryan back when we were dating was the way he told me stories that could make me laugh so hard my face hurt. Four years later, he's still making me laugh but now that Ella's around, she's his favorite one to get laughing. I have to say that Ella sometimes has a tendency to be somewhat of a Mama's Girl at times but there's nothing I could do to get her laughing like her daddy does.

4.) HARD WORK. Ryan is one of the hardest workers I know. He's one of those people who knows what he wants and will do whatever it takes to get it. In referring to my second section above, he was taught at a very early age what was expected of him and has kept up that same quality of work ever since. Whether it be his education, working around the house, or whatever...he does everything 110%!

I love you Ryan and just remember...I'm the luckiest!

This is a picture of us from last weekend in our new soon-to-be-hometown Oklahoma City!

p.s. Uncle Toddo and Auntie Kwissy...American Idol post tomorrow, I promise.

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Mark and Meghan said...

happy anniversary! the picture didn't come up on my

hope you guys have another great year!!! love you..

Krissy said...

Hurry it up...DOGGONE IT! Oh and happy anniversary to you two. I didn't get to see the cute picture either. It didn't work. Post it again

Eli, Trieste, and The Gals said...


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