Friday, July 4, 2008

What happens in Vegas...goes on the blog!

A couple of months ago Ryan and I were really wanting to plan a little get away before the big move. We thought we'd take advantage of living near family who could watch Ella (THANX SO MUCH to my Aunt Jill and Uncle Todd for taking such great care of our little Ella!) So we started thinking about where we could go and what we could do. Since our funds were sucked into paying for yet another interstate move, we thought we'd just drive on up to Las Vegas for a little fun in the sun. After making plans to unload their kids with my mom, Lindsay and Mike were on board as well. Originally we had reservations to stay at the Mandalay Bay but a couple nights before we were to check in, we got an e-mail telling us that they were giving us the boot and kicking us over to one of their "sister properties" the MGM Grand. What?! We were a little bummed but they said we could get another night free (we already had one night free with our deal we found for the Mandalay) plus they could upgrade us to a suit on the 27th we could still use all of the amenities at Mandalay Bay. It was such a fun trip! The boys got to go golfing, Linds and I went shopping, we spent lots of time by the pool, and ate LOTS of good food. We might have even slipped a few coins in the slots...but now that they just use those little slips that you have to cash in, it's not nearly as fun as scooping out all those dirty quarters.

The MGM actually had a way nicer pool than we thought they would. Complete with Lazy River and everything! Here's Ryan relaxing in the pool. (I was on the side with my Diet Coke and Nicholas Sparks there anything better?)

Here we are in front of the Mandalay Bay's wave pool (don't ask me why I'm flashing the peace sign???)

Ryan took this picture of the center part of our suite (the 2 rooms were off to either side.) This was like the biggest hotel room I've ever seen! It also had a really cool 180 degree view.

The biggest problem with shopping with your sister is finding the same cute shirt, getting ready in seperate bathrooms, then having to take a picture when you walk out wearing the same thing!

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aquabatgirl said...

oh you heathens! staying in sin city and spending money there ;)
looks like you had a great trip and how great to also spend some time with your family

Steve and Stacy Harbie said...

Love the peace sign. Looks like you guys had fun and that room is amazing! It is too bad you didn't get to say at Mandalay Bay, but the MGM looks fantastic!

Stephens Family said...

Yay! I'm glad you made it to Oklahoma! I can't wait to see pics of your house and your new life out there.
Thanks for the birthday wishes, I think it has been the first birthday that all of the P12 girls remembered the day of. That was very special. I am nervous about this picture of me you speak of, but then again, I have some good photos of you too!

The Tufts said...

I'm so glad you got to have one last hurrah before hitting the midwest. Not to say that there aren't way cooler things in store for you--that restaurant is only the beginning!
Congratulations on moving into your new home--good luck settling in!

Tristen said...

That's hilarious about the twin shirts. I have done that with my sisters many times! In fact my mom and I were shopping today and bought the same shoes. I am glad you guys are safely in Oklahoma. I am excited to see pictures of your new house! We miss you guys!

The Wyatt's said...

Looks like a fun time. I'm glad you got to have one last vacation with your sister before you left. It seems like you two are so close. I'm sure you will miss her. But how fun to have this last year. Lots of good memories I'm sure. Oklahoma looks like a fun place. I'm sure there are lots of neat things to discover. Can't wait to see pics of your new place. You'll have to keep us updated as to when you make visits home to Utah. Maybe one of these days we can have some type of reunion. Miss you guys!

The Wyatt's said...
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The Wyatt's said...
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Steve and Amanda said...

Ang- The last coupld of posts make me almost cry. I HATE that you are moving away from your family, but I promise you will grow closer to Ryan and have soooo many chances to preach the gospel. I know you know that though. Give me a call sometime!

Krissy Lowe said...

OK, Becky and I totally do the same thing- buy the same shirt,not even knowing the other one has it. Looks like a fun weekend

Jenn and Tyler said...

You guys look great! What a fantastic trip, and no kids?!!! What? How did you pull that off? That's so great for you! Looks like so much fun and that suite looked way too cool for school man! Glad you had some fun!

Brandon said...

Hey buddy, I decided to catch up on what my old friend Angela was up to. Anyway, next time you're in Vegas, don't forget to drop us a line. I realize it's hard when you have a short amount of time and you're hanging out with family, but it'd be fun to do lunch with you guys.

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