Friday, July 4, 2008

Howdy Ya'll!

HOWDY from the great state of Oklahoma! We rolled in last Tuesday night. A big THANK YOU to our brother-in-law, Mike, for being the great trucker that he was as he hauled our big rig all the way from California to our new driveway. Seriously, he did all of the driving. Ryan and I just trailed behind in the Xterra (Ryan's Honda was towed behind the big truck.) It took us two days. We got to Albuqurque the first night and then into OKC the next and I think we hit every snack store in between! My mom was nice enough to keep Ella and then fly out with her a couple days later. As we were pulling in to OKC, Ryan got a call from a resident he'll be working with who's already been here about a month. He offered to come help us unload the truck, plus he brought another guy, plus he brought his two-wheel hand truck! So nice! It made unloading the truck so fast! (If only loading the truck was that easy!)
The next night Mike had to fly back home so we spent the day showing him the "sights" of Oklahoma city. We went to the OKC federal building memorial, showed him the Ford Center (where the new Sonics will be playing), and then had lunch at Toby Keith's restraunt. I think I can speak for Mike when I say that there are so many good times to have here in OKC...which leads me to invite any and everyone out for a visit! Seriously, we would love to have visitors and with our new spacious house (k, it's not that big but compared to our tiny little Huntington Beach apartment...) we've got plenty of room! Once we get things in order, I'll post some pictures of our new home.

Here's Mike and Ryan outside Toby Keith's "I Love this Bar and Grill"

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aquabatgirl said...

how great of your brother-in-law to do all that driving for you! glad you guys made it safe and sound to okc. we're excited to see what you guys will be up to there

Krissy said...

I already miss you, and so do the kids. Like we got to see you so much before. I have been thinking about you so much! I'm so happy you made it safely there and you sound happy. I want to come visit! we should make a fun girls trip to OKC. For sure in the next three years! Love you guys! Give Ella loves from Auntie Krissy

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