Tuesday, March 3, 2009


List of eight tag:
1) Post rules on your blog
2) Answer the five '8' items
3) Let each person you tag know by leaving them a comment

8 Favorite TV shows:

--Barefoot Contessa
--The Office
--Grey's Anatomy
--Private Practice
--American Idol
--The Bachelor (although after last night...I might scratch this one off the list!)

8 things I did yesterday:
--Dropped Ella off at her friend Chad's house for a "play date"
--Washed sheets
--Vacuumed--the house and cushions on the couch
--Mailed a package of hair things to my sister
--Drank a Diet Coke---shhh...don't tell my husband
--Babysat Ella's little friend Atticus
--Watched the season finale of The Bachelor
--Yelled at the TV for an hour afterwards because I now HATE that show!!!

8 favorite restaurants:
--Texas Roadhouse (yummmm...I drool just thinking about the rolls!)
--Cheesecake Factory (oooo...avocado eggrolls)
--Bennihanna  (fried rice!!!---can you tell I'm pregnant?)
--Pei Wei
--Cafe Rio
--In N Out (I don't know if those last ones are considered "restaurants", but I get excited every time I get to eat there.)

8 Things I'm looking forward to:
--Being in Utah this weekend to celebrate Ryan's grandma's 90th birthday!!
--Going out to Arizona in about 2 weeks for Ryan's Spring Break to visit my sis and her family
--My mom coming out to visit at the end of the month
--Ella one day giving up the binky
--Bringing home a baby girl in July (I'm just not looking forward to the sleepless nights!)
--Figuring out a name for this baby girl (any suggestions?)
--Ryan being done with school and feeling like a real grown up
--Any time I get to spend with my husband and little girl

8 things on my wish list:
--To have a maid who follows me around and cleans/organizes anything at my command
--To have a child who eats things other than carbohydrates
--That every weekend night could be a date night with Ryan with unlimited time and money
--To live somewhere beautiful (no offense Oklahoma)
--That we could hang out with friends/family who live far away any time we felt like it
--That the stupid Bachelor gets dumped on national television to see how he likes it (oh wait...he already did. Well, Molly should still do it anyway.)
--That there was no such thing as money. I don't know how that would work but I do think there would be a lot less messed up people in the world.
--A new car for Ryan. (Someday maybe...) **I hope I didn't just jinx us. Nevermind. We love the Honda! Please don't die on us.

8 People I tag:
1. Meghan Maughan
2. Meghan Maughan
3. Meghan Maughan
4. Meghan Maughan
5. Meghan Maughan
6. Meghan Maughan
7. Meghan Maughan
8. Meghan Maughan
***C'mon Meg. I know you're too cool for these little things, but suck it up & play. It's fun. Really, who doesn't love talking about themselves???

1 comment:

Mark and Meghan said...

hahah, that's so funny, because the first thing i did, before reading your comments was look to see who you tagged, to see if you've gotten the point NOT to tag me! :) i didn't know you knew 7 different people named meghan maughan!!! :) you know i love you...

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