Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Weekend o' Fun! (Part II)

Yep...that's right. We just had so much fun last month when we went up to surprise Ryan's parents for their birthdays that we decided to go for round 2. We used the excuse that last month was closer to his dad's birthday and this month was on his mom's birthday. Anyway, it was another fun filled weekend!

For some reason, Ryan and I have the WORST luck when it comes to delays on our flights. Both legs of this trip were delayed like 30-45 minutes! Oh well. Here's Ella thinking she's a big girl just chillin' on a seat as we waited at LAX.

What a difference 4 weeks makes! When we were up in Utah last month, Ella was still a little nervous about Petey. This trip though, she couldn't get enough of the little guy!

While Ryan was golfing with his brothers and his dad, Ella and I went to meet up with one of my greatest friends in the world, Krissy. We had lunch at Paradise Cafe. Yummy!

After lunch with Krissy, Ella and I went to another one of my bestest friends house, Meghan, to see her and her darling kids. Unfortunately, baby Claire was sleeping the whole time but Porter was there and he was so cute with Ella!

Ella loved following Porter around because he was so nice to share all of his toys with her. I think Ella has a little crush...

That night we went out with all of Ryan's siblings and the spouses to Stuart Anderson's/Black Angus (the only kids there were just the two babies.) Lots of good food and even better company!

Here's Ella's cousin Claire showing her Uncle Ryan how to enjoy a delicious piece of brocolli!

After dinner, we all went over to Ryan's parent's house to play a harmless game of Catch Phrase.

I say "harmless" because it started out that way. This next picture is a bit screwy because I was laughing to hard to hold the camera straight. I won't get into any details...let's just say Ryan was having a bit of a hard time describing "Bad Hair Day"!

Later that night, we decided to pull out some old pictures and scrapbooks. Ryan's mom was so good to save so many fun things from when the kids were growing up. I was reading through some of Ryan's old report cards. One of the reoccurring comments from Ryan's grade school teachers was about Ryan's problem with "too much socializing"! I like to think about tiny Ryan being the little social butterfly of his class! Anyway, this is a picture of a note that he wrote to the toothfairy when he was young. It's kinda hard to says: "I would like to keep my tooth please. Love, Ryan" I think he was thinking that he would keep it for some future research. :)

Here's Ella the next morning with her new BFF, Petey. She and Petey made a deal that if she would be so kind as to share her food with him, he would do the same for her...

This is a picture of Ella's favorite snack while staying at Grandma's house. More than once we would catch Ella sneak into the laundry room (where Petey's food is) and help herself to a little snack. The last time we caught her, she had both fists and both cheecks FULL of dogfood! Is it bad that when I first saw her I wanted to grab my camera? I decided against it and took this picture instead...

Later that day we all went over to Ryan's brother, Scott's house to watch the Utah football game. It was a good game. Even Ella couldn't take her eye's off the TV...

Here's Ella enjoying a chocolate chip cookie. We usually don't like her to have so much sugar (and when I say "we", I mean Ryan) but we thought, what the heck...we're on vacation!

That night we all went to the very first KFC in the world...who knew it was right there in Salt Lake City. I think I would have put my money on somewhere in Kentucky...but that's just me.

Ella and Claire

Cute cousins/BFFs Alex and Jared

This was Ella's first time drinking from a straw. She was a natural! She loved the Diet Coke! Just was just water.

This is the picture we took last month. It was ready just in time to get it framed and ready to give to them this weekend!

Here's Ryan's little brother with his two idols...the Colonel and Mr. Harmon. Mr. Harmon is the guy who funded the first KFC. Just think what this world would be without the two of them!

When we got home that night, Ella was ready for her favorite time at Grandma's house...bathtime in the sink!

Finally...this is just a picture of Ella and Claire after church in their pretty little dresses!


aquabatgirl said...

you can't blame ryan for not letting ella have sweets, i mean he is a dentist. and i'm sure the water was *water* we just won't let ryan know it was diet coke. sure hope you brushed her teeth that night

The Wyatt's said...

I think Ella is photogenic. She takes the cutest pictures. You can totally read in her face what she is thinking. I love the picture of her drinking from the straw. You can tell she is really concentrating. Looks like a fun weekend!

Krissy said...

Oh Ang,
I sit and laugh so hard without making a noise(it's hard to do) while reading your blog. I LOVE every picture of Ella, especially the one of her looking at the TV, so, so funny. My favorite is your expression at the KFC. FUNNY!
Okay...Kyle went to a taping this week of the Price is Right with Drew Carey and won the SHOW CASE SHOWDOWN. She won a new car, a cruise to the FIGI islands on a private yacht and a few other things. It will be aired on Jan 22nd. Too far away but whada you do? Send me Pics! So fun to see you! Love you!

Mark and Meghan said...

i am especially partial to this post because my son is in it! they were so cute together! and i think porter will dig her in a couple of years...right now it's all about the toys!

it was so good to see you (i know i've already said that, but seriously!)

love that ella loves dog food! it must be better than whatever else she's getting...which is??

The Tufts said...

If that self-portrait is accurate, then Ryan had quite a set of hair in his early days.
I can't believe how much ella is looking like you these days!

p.s. I totally remember telling you about the vampire books, and the expression on your face as I described them. Now you know why millions of people are totally obsessed with the impossible love triangle of a girl, a vampire, and a...something else (I don't want to give away anything if you haven't read the 2nd one yet).

Anonymous said...

SOOOO FREAKIN CUTE! I heart Ella! She is SOOOO photogenic- not fair I say! Miss you guys!! We haven't seen each other like in 2 whole days! :(

The Andersons said...

Hey Ang....Hope you guys are doing okay with all of the fires!! Is it near where you live?

Pratt Family said...

I love Ella at the airport. She is so expressive for the camera!!! She definitely knows what to do when there is a camera around. I laughed at the tv picture...yet again she knows where her priorities are...sports but still manages to give her mom a good pose for the camera. Good job Ella on learning how to drink water from a straw, one of these days you'll be tempted with diet coke and won't want anything else. Thanks for the fun pictures and update with your fam.

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