Monday, October 8, 2007

My famous family!

With all the junk that's on TV nowadays, I have a good sugesstion for any of you looking to fill 30 minutes of your night tonight. My cousins (the three Snead girls) and two husbands are going to be on The Family Fued. I know, who knew that show was still on? Well it is and I don't wanna spoil anything but let's just say the Sneads cleaned up! For those of you here in So. California, it's on at 6:00 on channel 9 (KCAL). I don't know about you all, but I know what's gonna be on our TiVo tonight! GO SNEADS!!!


Mark and Meghan said...

so when are they on in utah...i'd love to see it. i actually love that show and would die to be on it! so do you get a cut of the money they won....come on you are a snead afterall! love you ang..

Chase and Teresa said...

I seriously love that game show. How about our Omaha family getting together?

The last Unicorn said...

Family Feud is the best!!! I know another family that was on it who blew away the competition. They walked off with quite a bit of loot. I hope your family does the same! Was it on Monday night? Did I already miss it?

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