Friday, April 25, 2008


The other day we were at Lindsay's house and Kaitlyn wanted to show us her new toy she got for being such a big girl and giving up her binky. We were like, "Cool, Kaitlyn..." whatever. Then Lindsay was telling us how fun it was that we should give it a try. I was thinking "how could a little 3 year old's toy be fun?" but it was actually really cool! It's called a PlasmaRide. I don't really know why it's called that but it doesn't really matter. It sits low to the ground and you don't have to pedal cuz you just move the handles back and forth and it moves! A little while later, we were all fighting for the next turn...

You think me plus two kids is impressive...

how about me with three kids?!!!

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Jenn and Tyler said...

AWESOME! One of my friends has one of these but I've never thought of trying it out myself! How fun!

Mark and Meghan said...

fun...i want one. i cannot believe she got one just for giving up her binky! porter didn't get anything! sad for for you guys...

The Walker Family said...

Ang that seriously looks like so much fun. I really want one. When are you guys moving to the South? Are ya'll ready cuz it's definetly not CA ;(

The Dunns said...


Ok so i just barely checked your blog and lets just say it has been a while since I have. We sure miss you guys and are excited for your Oklahoma City Adventure. Congrats! We actually went there about a year and a half ago to visit my cousin and his family. We were in Kansas doing an externship and so we took a road trip down there to say hi for a weekend. It was really quite nice. Are you guys going to buy or rent what are your plans? How long will you be there?
One of the kids at playgroup had one of those cool scooter things it looks like tons of fun, i should have tried it out.
You guys look like you are doing well and having fun enjoying your last few months in California. When do you move then?
Ella is growing up so fast , she is a doll!
Take Care-

The Wyatt's said...

That looks like quite the scooter! That was nice of your niece to share her toys with her aunt and uncle!

Steve and Amanda said...

Pretty impressive Ang! Good catching up on all your posts...I've ditched the blog world for a few weeks...I'm back now though. Love ya

Chase and Teresa said...

I'm seriously going to have to check into one of those-that is right for me, not Ashlyn :)

aquabatgirl said...

those things are awesome. i've seen them in stores and tried them out myself. ummm...maybe instead of bike (since kylie can't pedal anyways) i'll get her one of those

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