Tuesday, April 1, 2008

I don't get it

What the heck? Something is wrong with my blog. I've been trying for the past few days to do a new post (I'll admit that I haven't been the best blogger) but for some reason this page won't let me add pictures or change the font or anything!!! It's so frustrating! If someone out there knows how to like "reboot" my blog or something, I would love some advice.


Krissy said...

mWhat the heck is right! I have been so worried! What is up? You don't have to post the pictures. I'm just dying to know how things are!

Raenbows and Mud Puddles said...

I was having a problem with my mine yesterday while I was on my home PC.. but it worked fine and I was able to access it today. So maybe try accessing it from a different computer if you haven't already!!

pss.. add me to your blog roll :)

Mark and Meghan said...

sad...i have no idea how to change things like that, but i hope you figure it out soon! miss your posts. how was your birthday??? hope it was goood..love you...

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