Monday, February 25, 2008

Conquering the business bow at a time!

It's official. We're in business! My sister and I have been wanting to have a little project on the side that gives us a reason to take a break from being mommys. So we decided to make some bows, headbands, and other hair accessories for babies and little girls and see if any of the little boutiques around here would want to sell them. A cute store in San Clemente called Mac and Maddie bought some of our stuff so our product is officially on the market!


The last Unicorn said...

I knew with those cute bows you put in Ella hair there had to be some money making opportunities! Way to make an "escape!"

The Andersons said...

Wow...that is so great! If we ever have a little girl I will be one of your clients! Congrats!

Krissy said...

Ang- you need to check out Maren Parkers(Ricks wife) on-line Bow"tique". The web sight is Super cute stuff! Yours are too! That's a fun thing for you two cute girls to do together. When you need a secretary for your know just who to call! It must include a movers fee. Owen can come out and move me! DEAL! Get to work girls, I'll be waiting for the offer here in sickening, gray, cold ugly Utah! Feel bad? You should!

Jenn and Tyler said...

Way to go Angela! They're adorable and that will be a great escape. Hopefuly though, they'll take off to the point where you either have to hire help, or hire a company because you won't be able to keep up with the demand!!!! Now that would be cool. Congrats on getting them on the market, that's awesome.

The Wyatt's said...

Good job! Those bows are very cute. What a fun thing to do with your sister. You'll have to set up a website or a blog so that us internet surfers and out of towners can order some from you. I could use a new set up of bows for my girls. We've become lazy with the hair accessories lately.

Tristen said...

Love it! Way to go! I wish I was as ambitious as you. There are so many bow makers in Utah, it's crazy. I can't keep busy. I love everything you have done! So cute!

Krissy Lowe said...

Angela, I love that you guys are doing that. Although it doesn't surprise me, I just wish that I had some little girlies to wear them.

aquabatgirl said...

so angela if this next baby of mine is a girl, i'm going to need some freebie samples and i'll really let you know how they hold up. just keep that in mind ;)
so cute!

Chase and Teresa said...

I'm loving the bows, and wow you have a lot. Skills from Omaha paying off now--I think you, Tiff and Tristen all have little bow businesses going now.

Pratt Family said...

Good luck with your business. The bows and clips look great!!! You've been very busy it looks like.

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