Tuesday, February 26, 2008

A reason to vote

I've only been a fan of American Idol since last year and have never once felt a need to vote for anyone...until now. Look at this kid. How cute is he?! On top of that, his voice is amazing! All of the judges LOVE him and basically think all of the other people should just go home. Oh yeah, and he's from Utah! Does it get better than that? Moral of the story kids...pick up your phone and vote. I worry that because he is so good, everyone will just assume that people are voting for him and not bother to vote and he might slip through the cracks!!! Lindsay and I are gonna try to get tickets and if we go, you know we're gonna be the ones holding up the huge banners that say "I LOVE DAVID!" and crying when he sings.


Krissy said...

I have never watched this show until maybe the very last show of a couple of them. However, this little cutie pants that attends to the "Murray, Murray Murray High", is the cutest sweetest boy ever! And yes I did vote about 20 times. How many times can you vote? It just kept taking them until I got sick of pushing the buttons. If you get tickets...i will just die AGAIN! It won't kill me as bad as when you got the Dancing with the Stars tickets! That was amazing!

Mark and Meghan said...

i LOVE him too! and your bow business rocks! that's awesome that you've started...you're going to be a very very rich woman!!! :)

Tristen said...

He is awesome! This is my first year actually watching American Idol past the beginning auditions that just make me laugh. He is awesome. I will try to vote, but I usually watch it when the kids are in bed on my DVR, so the voting thing is a little difficult.

The Tufts said...

Well, that does it! I am going to start watching this week. It seems like the last time I voted was the year with Ruben and Clay...

Also, way to go on the bow business! I would love to be a customer, but that may not be until I have grandaughters, or a get a girl cat. Do you have a website in the works?

Krissy Lowe said...

Can I tell you once again how jealous I am that you and Linds get to hang out so much with eachother. How fun to go to American Idol. Also, we are huge fans of David...but have never voted. Ethan my 4 yr old, only wants to vote for Danny...SCARY!

aquabatgirl said...

you are too funny! and i expect to see you soon on the soon. and make sure you let us know when you get tickets so we can watch and look for you on that episode

Eli, Trieste, and The Gals said...

okay, i haven't been following the most recent american idol, but since we finally have local stations, we are going to do so. by the way, your bows are awesome! what a fun thing to do with your sister! good luck. the bows are really cute. ella is getting so big. what a sweetie. and just let me say, you have no idea how jealous i am of your fam hanging out at the beach. the closest we could get to that is walking down by the frozen river dressed in winter woolies!

Steve and Amanda said...

I am absolutely OBSESSED with this cute little boy. He is so akward with how humble he is...I love it! He better win or I will boycott American Idol...well I guess I don't vote though so I have no excuse! Krissy- Have you ever met the boy, or do you know his family or anyone that does? He is mormon, right? I have to go watch him right now!!! I hate Wed thru Mon waiting for him to come on again!

Chase and Teresa said...

I LOVE David Archuletta. He is definitely my fav guy. I really like Syesha from the girls.

Pratt Family said...

I totally agree!!! I think American Idol could end right now..of course with David winning. He has an awesome voice and I totally agree he is so very humble about his remarkable talent of singing. Go David Archuletta!!!!

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